Sunday, September 26, 2010

"These are a few of my favorite things"

Kristin's Sunday post reminded me that we once shared our "favorite things" with each other. IT would be cool to do that again sometime. I'll list what we did before when we celebrated each family member, but you could redo the original anyway you want.
These were the original categories. Maybe we could also include why each one is our favorite, to increase the insights we get from each others' lists. What do you think?
Favorite historical period, book, piece of music, movie, TV program, dish, dessert, season of year, animal, flower, vacation destination, color, scripture.
And speaking of desserts, Diana came up with a winner last week when she added a handful of grandma's blackberries to her zucchini recipe. Annie loved it as did all of her office mates. Try it, you'll like it.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, it was delicious! Thanks Diana! One of my favorite things happens almost every day. I love hiking up Rock Canyon as the sun rises. It's best on a cloudy day that might storm, but really beautiful all the time!
